Professional Show No.18: Winners Announced
Below are the list of medal and merit winners from our Professional Show that will be reproduced in the 3x3 Illustration Annual No.18. Medal and merit winners must have received a majority of our judge’s votes; honorable mention winners must have had half of our judges’ votes for their entry. All medal, merit and distinguished merit winners will appear in the Annual print, digital, and online. Honorable mentions will be displayed online with direct links to the artist’s site and will have their name listed in the printed Annual.
Congratulations to all.
* denotes multiple pieces in category
Best of Show
Alexandria Hall, unpublished
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, editorial
Bill Mayer, unpublished
Michael Waraksa, unpublished
Robert Carter, books
Fernando Cobelo, books
Diego Mallo, books
Brian Stauffer, covers
Asta Wu, unpublished
Dominic Bodden, unpublished
Andre Carrilho, editorial
David Habben, posters
Martina Liebig, children's book
Matt Patterson, self-promotion
Page Tsou, unpublished
Distinguished Merit
Wesley Bedrosian, unpublished
Ivan Canu, books
André da Loba, posters
Iris Xiao Lei, unpublished
Enzo Lo Re, animation/motion
Nicole Rifkin, unpublished
Dawn Yang, editorial
Gary Aagaard, books
Amory Abbott, unpublished
Cecilia Abeid, animation/motion
Adamastor Studio, self-promotion
Cyntia Agata, unpublished
Marella Albanese, self-promotion
Isabel Albertos, unpublished
Ofra Amit, gallery
Minju An, animation/motion
Vito Ansaldi, unpublished
Gen Arai, unpublished
Scott Bakal*, covers
Scott Bakal, editorial
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, advertising
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, children's book
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins, covers
Anna and Elena Balbusso Twins*, editorial
Natalya Balnova, books
Davide Baroni, unpublished
Adrian Bauer, gallery
Melinda Beck*, editorial
Dan Bejar*, editorial
Douglas Bell, books
Douglas Bell, self-promotion
Anastasia Beltyukova, animation/motion
Anastasia Beltyukova, editorial
Lauren Simkin Berke, editorial
Alison Berkey*, unpublished
Juan Bernabeu*, editorial
Landis Blair, corporate communications
Christian Ray C. Blaza, unpublished
Giulio Bonasera, animation/motion
Davide Bonazzi*, covers
Davide Bonazzi*, editorial
Book of Lai, unpublished
Richard Borge*, editorial
Mark Borgions, children's book
Mark Borgions, packaging
Mark Borgions, unpublished
Jim Bradshaw, self-promotion
Brian Britigan*, editorial
Elda Broglio, animation/motion
Elda Broglio, corporate communications
Elda Broglio, editorial
Thomas Burns, unpublished
Taylor Callery, editorial
Taylor Callery, unpublished
Ivan Canu, covers
Ivan Canu, editorial
Maddalena Carrai, books
Andre Carrilho, children's book
Andre Carrilho, covers
Andre Carrilho*, editorial
Sigal Caspin Segal, self-promotion
Daniel Castro Maia, posters
Daniel Castro Maia, sci-fi
Matt Chase, editorial
Jiawen Chen, unpublished
Joro Chen, books
WuJyun Cheng, packaging
Matt Chinworth*, editorial
Andrea Chronopoulos*, animation/motion
Fernando Cobelo, advertising
Fernando Cobelo, covers
Matthew Cook*, unpublished
David Cooper, covers
Eduardo Corral, unpublished
Mariacristina Costa, children's book
Benedetto Cristofani, self-promotion
Benedetto Cristofani, unpublished
Luca D'Urbino*, covers
Luca D'Urbino*, editorial
Doug Dabbs, comics, cartoons, sequential
Frank Daenen, children's book
Owen Davey, children's book
Owen Davey, gallery
Owen Davey*, posters
Owen Davey, surface design
Edmon de Haro, editorial
Zohar De-Haas, self-promotion
David Dean, covers
Seze Deguchi, unpublished
Alice Yu Deng, unpublished
Naya-Cheyenne Diaz, editorial
Ding Ding, posters
Dong Dong, children's book
Leon Edler, editorial
Eitan Eloa*, children's book
Emma Eubanks, ephemera
Sewing Feng, animation/motion
Sewing Feng, unpublished
John Ferry*, gallery
Gianluca Folì, corporate communications
Adrian Forrow*, editorial
Irena Freitas, children's book
Mek Frinchaboy, unpublished
Tom Froese, children's book
Kathleen Fu, editorial
Paul Fuentes, gallery
Maria Gabriella Gasparri, self-promotion
Federico Gastaldi, animation/motion
Federico Gastaldi*, editorial
Andreas Gefe, books
Andreas Gefe, editorial
Sue Gent, editorial
Rinat Gilboa, ephemera
Éric Giriat, editorial
Abigail Giuseppe, packaging
Garth Glazier, gallery
Dylan Goldberger, unpublished
Catarina Gomes, unpublished
Aad Goudappel, books
Christian Graglingen, editorial
Christian Gralingen, self-promotion
Addison Green, unpublished
Lou Green*, self-promotion
Peter Greenwood, covers
Peter Greenwood, unpublished
Hao Gu, books
Joey Guidone*, covers
Joey Guidone, self-promotion
Shreya Gupta, covers
David Habben, unpublished
Andrew Haener, unpublished
Christy Hale, children's book
Christy Hale, unpublished
Alexandria Hall, self-promotion
Sarah Hammond, unpublished
John Hendrix, children's book
John Hendrix, covers
John Hendrix, editorial
John Hendrix, unpublished
Jody Hewgill, covers
Pat Higgins, comics, cartoons, sequential
Jeff Hinchee*, editorial
Mark Hoffmann, children's book
Peter Horjus, packaging
YI Ting Hsieh, unpublished
Kuri Huang, covers
Pei Yu Hung, children's book
IC4DESIGN*, advertising
IC4DESIGN, children's book
Janne Iivonen, packaging
Janettchan, editorial
Jiedi Jiang, self-promotion
Ziyi Jiang, unpublished
Daniel Johnson, unpublished
Luisa Jung, editorial
Cindy Kang, editorial
Julia Kerschbaumer, self-promotion
Julia Kerschbaumer, unpublished
Jee Kim, unpublished
Ben Konkol, children's book
Przemek Kotynski, unpublished
Thilo Krapp, children's book
Jon Krause*, editorial
Anita Kunz, books
Anita Kunz, self-promotion
Aiken Lao, packaging
Gabriela Larios, unpublished
Mikyung Lee, unpublished
Xiao Lei, books
Xiao Lei, unpublished
Nick Levesque, editorial
Hannah Li, unpublished
Sha Li, unpublished
Yaqi Liang, books
Guang Lim, editorial
Simo Liu, covers
Simo Liu, self-promotion
Xiaoying Liu, self-promotion
Yadi Liu, editorial
Rokai Lu*, unpublished
Gémeo Luís, packaging
Brian Lutz, unpublished
Christopher Lyles, unpublished
Jason Lyon, editorial
Austin MacDonald, animation/motion
Marta Madureira, books
Marta Madureira, children's book
Marta Madureira, packaging
Diego Mallo, editorial
Stefano Marra, posters
Michael Marsicano, editorial
Miriam Martincic*, unpublished
Bill Mayer*, editorial
Bill Mayer, gallery
Shane McGowan*, children's book
Or Menaged, unpublished
Sophie Mildner, self-promotion
Zhao Min, unpublished
Jorge Miraldo, gallery
Shintaro Miyashima, self-promotion
Andreea Moise, unpublished
Bernd Mölck-Tassel, children's book
Amalia Mora, advertising
Virginia Mori, packaging
Cody Muir, unpublished
Matthew Murphy, editorial
Matthew Murphy, unpublished
Dave Murray, editorial
Kati Närhi, unpublished
Yevgenia Nayberg, children's book
Robert Neubecker*, editorial
John Nickle, unpublished
Cat O'Neil*, editorial
Satoshi Ohtera, sci-fi
István Orosz, books
Adam Osgood, animation/motion
Pierre-Paul Pariseau, self-promotion
Pierre-Paul Pariseau, unpublished
Joseph Park, children's book
John Parra, children's book
Ian Patrick, self-promotion
Hayley Patterson, unpublished
Matt Patterson, self-promotion
Davor Pavelić, editorial
Sebastião Peixoto, books
Sebastião Peixoto, unpublished
Marcella Peluffo, editorial
Marcella Peluffo, self-promotion
Enzo Pérès-Labourdette, children's book
Enzo Pérès-Labourdette, editorial
Valeria Petrone, advertising
Valeria Petrone, children's book
Zamo Peza, posters
Hanoch Piven, editorial
Giordano Poloni, editorial
Giordano Poloni, unpublished
Charlie Powell, gallery
Natalie Pudalov, unpublished
Qiké Quintero, editorial
Fatinha Ramos, children's book
Fatinha Ramos, editorial
Dominique Ramsey, children's book
Dominique Ramsey*, unpublished
Axel Rangel Garcia, unpublished
Liliya Rattari, unpublished
Anna Resmini, children's book
Amalia Restrepo, books
Loes Riphagen, children's book
Shiori Saito, unpublished
Kouzou Sakai, covers
Kouzou Sakai, self-promotion
Greta Samuel, editorial
Weberson Santiago, unpublished
Stephan Schmitz*, covers
Stephan Schmitz*, editorial
Jason Seiler*, covers
Andrew Selby, advertising
Thom Sevalrud, editorial
Simon Shaw, self-promotion
Jhao-Yu Shih, books
Daniele Simonelli, children's book
Cherie Sinnen, advertising
Mark Smith*, editorial
Mark Smith, posters
Anna Sorokina, posters
Davide Spelta, children's book
Davide Spelta, covers
Davide Spelta, editorial
Brian Stauffer, animation/motion
Brian Stauffer*, covers
Brian Stauffer*, editorial
Brian Stauffer, unpublished
Dale Stephanos, unpublished
Ard Su*, editorial
Zhou Suolan, children's book
Florentina Surel, corporate communications
Suwei, books
Takanori Suzuki, unpublished
Studio Takeuma, advertising
Binny Talib, unpublished
Christina Tan, self-promotion
Carson Ting, advertising
Mike Tofanelli*, unpublished
Jay Torres, unpublished
Alexandra Turban, self-promotion
Anne Vagt, unpublished
Steven Van Hasten, children's book
João Vaz de Carvalho, self-promotion
João Vaz de Carvalho, unpublished
Joana Velozo, surface design
Andrea Ventura, covers
Juliana Vieira, children's book
Simone Virgini*, three-dimensional
Shichong Wan, unpublished
Angela Wang*, unpublished
Inkee Wang*, editorial
Michael Waraksa, unpublished
Myriam Wares, corporate communications
Wflemming, editorial
Joe Whang, gallery
Patrick Widmer, children's book
Luke Wohlgemuth, editorial
Xihuaru, self-promotion
Lu Xu, unpublished
James Yang, children's book
James Yang*, editorial
Yin Ye, unpublished
Chloe Yee May, unpublished
Ya-Hsuan Yeh, unpublished
Hyunjeong Yi, posters
Hu Yu, packaging
Sisi Yu, posters
Weiran Zhang, unpublished
Xinchen Zhang, unpublished
Nan Zheng, editorial
Jiaqi Zhou, unpublished
Lu Zhu, unpublished
Vladimir Zimakov, books
Honorable Mention
0416, ephemera
33_Original, self-promotion
Gary Aagaard, gallery
Anne Albert, self-promotion
James Albon, editorial
Julia Allum, unpublished
Maren Amini, comics, cartoons, sequential
Joe Anderson, unpublished
Susie Ang, editorial
Vito Ansaldi, unpublished
Artsy Kiddo, self-promotion
Casey Babb, unpublished
Ruojun Bai, self-promotion
Timothy Banks, covers
Wesley Bedrosian, unpublished
Dan Bejar, editorial
Christian Ray C. Blaza, unpublished
Giulio Bonasera, editorial
Federica Bordoni, posters
Daniel Bueno*, editorial
Taylor Callery*, editorial
Taylor Callery, unpublished
Ivan Canu*, covers
Sophie Casson, covers
Gene Chan, editorial
Hoi Chan, editorial
Pei-Yu Chang, children's book
Matt Chase, editorial
Chu-Li Chen, corporate communications
I Wen Chen, unpublished
Yichin Chen, unpublished
YiJie Chen, self-promotion
Gukhyeon Cho, animation/motion
Kyoosang Choi, unpublished
Emily Chu, advertising
Li Wen Chu, gallery
Allison Cole, ephemera
Allison Cole, self-promotion
Allison Cole, surface design
Thomas Compton, unpublished
Isabella Conti, gallery
Tullio Corda, self-promotion
Mirko Cresta, self-promotion
Benedetto Cristofani, covers
Marla Cruz Linares, self-promotion
Luca D'Urbino, animation/motion
Luca D'Urbino, self-promotion
Matthew Daley, comics, cartoons, sequential
Matthew Daley, editorial
Brian Danaher, self-promotion
Owen Davey, editorial
David Dean*, covers
Toon Delanote, unpublished
Kartika Dewi, unpublished
Danae Diaz, posters
Dana Duncan*, surface design
John S. Dykes, editorial
Leon Edler, ephemera
Gee Fan Eng, editorial
Costanza Favero, editorial
Sewing Feng, unpublished
Sofia Figlie, self-promotion
Patrícia Figueiredo, children's book
Laura Freeman, children's book
Mek Frinchaboy, editorial
Mek Frinchaboy, unpublished
Evangeline Gallagher, books
Daniel Garcia*, editorial
Federico Gastaldi, advertising
Abigail Giuseppe, packaging
Xuni Gong, covers
Aya Gordon Noy, editorial
Aad Goudappel, editorial
Gravika | Helena Hauswirt, surface design
Peter Greenwood, editorial
Shreya Gupta, editorial
Mary Haasdyk*, editorial
David Habben, unpublished
Alexandria Hall, covers
Alexandria Hall, packaging
Christopher Harper, unpublished
Xin He, books
Jeff Hinchee, covers
Jeff Hinchee, editorial
Jeff Hinchee, gallery
Ollie Hirst, corporate communications
Naoko Horikawa, unpublished
Minghan Hsieh, gallery
Ginnie Hsu, children's book
Kuri Huang*, posters
Rama Hughes, unpublished
Pei Yu Hung, children's book
Iggdeh Studio, unpublished
Danny Jackson*, unpublished
Woojin Jeon, self-promotion
Adam T Jones, ephemera
Luisa Jung*, editorial
John Kachik, unpublished
Kan, self-promotion
Julia Kerschbaumer*, unpublished
Taeko Kimura, self-promotion
Bartosz Kosowski, advertising
Bartosz Kosowski*, posters
Mike Kronberger, self-promotion
Nicola Laurora*, covers
Typhaine Le Gallo, editorial
Matt Lee, covers
Susan Lee, covers
Han Li, self-promotion
Jing Li, editorial
Anson Liaw, self-promotion
Anson Liaw*, unpublished
Jessie Lin, self-promotion
Sihan Lin*, animation/motion
Xiaoying Liu, books
Xinmei Liu, self-promotion
Yunzi Liu, unpublished
Mark Luczak*, self-promotion
Gémeo Luís, packaging
Brian Lutz, unpublished
Christopher Lyles, unpublished
Siming Ma, children's book
Siming Ma, unpublished
Marysia Machulska, self-promotion
Marta Madureira, posters
Diego Mallo, editorial
Ellen Marello, unpublished
Gerda Märtens, gallery
Miriam Martincic, ephemera
Miriam Martincic*, unpublished
Bill Mayer*, editorial
Bill Mayer*, gallery
Bill Mayer, packaging
Hitoshi Miura, self-promotion
Tomoko Mizuno, unpublished
Andrea Mongia, editorial
Susanna Morari, comics, cartoons, sequential
Kat Morgan*, editorial
Virginia Mori, posters
Anjali Nair, editorial
Kati Närhi, editorial
Kati Närhi, unpublished
Robert Neubecker*, editorial
Kineret Noam, books
Mayumi Oono, surface design
Yuliya Osyka, advertising
Yuliya Osyka, posters
Charlie Padgett*, editorial
Xinyue Pan, surface design
John Parra, covers
Helena Perez Garcia, covers
Eric Petersen, editorial
Michael Pitropov, animation/motion
Hanoch Piven, editorial
Andrei Popa, posters
Charlie Powell*, gallery
Dominique Ramsey, unpublished
Dietmar Reinhard, gallery
Maria Remédio, children's book
Duncan Robertson, unpublished
Nao Sakamoto*, self-promotion
Greta Samuel, editorial
Saman Sarheng*, editorial
Stephan Schmitz, editorial
Daniele Simonelli, corporate communications
Mark Smith, editorial
Benjamin Snyder, covers
Anna Sorokina, unpublished
Brian Stauffer, advertising
Dale Stephanos, editorial
Dale Stephanos, unpublished
Faythe Stone*, unpublished
Kristina Swarner, covers
Studio Takeuma, self-promotion
David Russell Talbott, gallery
Jacqueline Tam, editorial
Christina Tan, self-promotion
David Terrill, unpublished
Mike Tofanelli, editorial
Mike Tofanelli, unpublished
Agniya Tolstokulakova, unpublished
Grace Tsai, books
Steven Van Hasten, posters
Mike Vance, unpublished
Heather Vaughan, comics, cartoons, sequential
Heather Vaughan, unpublished
Drue Wagner, editorial
Linden Walker, unpublished
Xiyuan Wang, comics, cartoons, sequential
Yifei Wang, books
Hiroshi Watanabe, self-promotion
Agnieszka Węglarska, ephemera
Stephanie Wunderlich, corporate communications
Maki Yamaguchi*, self-promotion
Aki Yamashita, editorial
Sisi Yu, advertising
Natalia Zaratiegui, books
Natalia Zaratiegui*, covers
Jing Zhang, self-promotion
Lu Zhang, books
Wendi Zhang, self-promotion
Yu Zhang, self-promotion
Yue Zhang, unpublished
Ran Zheng*, editorial
Giulia Zoavo, self-promotion